Risks are vicious. They change and evolve. The faster-better-cheaper-optimization introduces new risks which often remain invisible – at least to the management. There are known risks, there are known unknowns and the completely astonishing Black Swan events, also called the unknown unknowns. All of these need to be addressed.
Luckily, people like Terje Aven, David D. Woods, Erik Hollnagel, René Amalberti and Nassim Taleb have created an impressive collection of wisdom on the topic. Risk in Motion has accepted the challenge to transform this new knowledge into practical applications supporting the everyday safety work. How to measure Safety on a positive scale? How to understand better what in the everyday work actually creates the safety and how to reinforce it? How to safeguard ourselves against the Drift which can gradually sacrifice too much of our safety margins?
Being able to visualize all company risks in one holistic picture and taking into account the various goals of the company has been a missing piece in the puzzle. Through the methods developed at Risk in Motion you possess this missing piece and can establish a new kind of relationship between Top Management and the people working on risks and safety.
Welcome to the modern world of Safety and Risk!